
A. J. Tomlinson, former General Overseer, 12th Annual Address, 1922

That this is the Church of God has been proven over and over so many times by a great cloud of witnesses that there can scarcely be any room for doubts among those who have traced its history carefully from the date of the first Assembly until now. Some who are new and have not traced the history in all of its details may be somewhat demoralized and doubtful for a season, but a careful and intelligent investigation always has a settling effect unless there is something dark in the life of the investigator. Some have fallen overboard and are trying to build up a little craft of their own, but this big ship sails on and breasts the storms of the high seas of every clime, and will continue to do so until it can be said, “his bride hath made herself ready,” and “that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”

Need not talk to me about looking elsewhere for the Church of God of the last days to fulfill prophecy. This is it, and one great evidence of the fact is the machine guns of opposition that are turned against it. Did not Herod slay the male children of two years old and under with a hope of slaying the Christ? Was He not hounded from those early days until He was finally executed as a malefactor between two thieves? Did He not tell His followers that they might expect trouble as long as they followed in His steps? Did not the early Church suffer persecutions from those without, and were they not tormented by false brethren within? Did not Paul declare that grievous wolves should enter in among us, not sparing the flock? And did he not also say that from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them? Is it strange that men from our own ranks will try to set themselves up as leaders and oppose the Church and cry it down every way they can? What else could be expected when the disposition of men is ever the same? Wolves among us and men to draw away disciples after them—that’s the Church of God because it is demonstrated before our eyes. Where else could you look for the Church of God except where there is trouble and wolves, and men that want to be leaders and take the place of the God-appointed leaders and those chosen for specific purposes? Would you acknowledge you are so little informed in prophecy and the Bible that you would look for the Church of God where there is no trouble, no false brethren, no wolves in sheep’s clothing, no men who want to start up something of their own and draw off followers after them from the Church? Ah, beloved, if you are in doubt and scarcely know where to find the Church of God—and are looking for it honestly and earnestly—you may find it in the thickest of the fight and no other place. You find the institution surrounded by war materials of all kinds firing hot shells and bombs at it from every side, and having its internal troubles besides, and you will scarcely miss it if you declare that institution the Church of God.