The Purpose, of the Church of Prophecy Marker Association


Since its inception in 1941, the purpose and function of the Church of Prophecy Brand Association has expanded from that original context ministry. The spirit of the auxiliaries is proof of the need for the CPMA to become a vital force in every local church and community. Your ministry is essential for the future progress of the Church, and your ability to help is necessary for the coming forth of biblical perfection.

Currently, the auxiliary of the Church of Prophecy Marker Association purpose in the ministry:

  1. To build, beautify, and maintain Church Markers: Local Churches, State/National/General Headquarters buildings, and properties of the church.
  2. To uphold the vision of the Church, as clearly manifested in the minds of the members of the Church
  3. To “…make all men see…”( Ephesians 3:9) the mystery of the Church of God
  4. To be the markers or living testaments of Jesus Christ and promote the perfection of the Church, “…his wife has prepared herself…” (Revelation 19:7)
  5. To preach and teach the history, purpose and doctrine of the Church – past, present and future.
  6. To boost CPMA membership and organize fundraising plans to promote the monthly offer of

The Church of Prophecy Association bookmark has proven to be a great blessing to the Church in helping its approach to fulfilling the Great Commission. We can see that this helper has been given by God to help lead the Church in fulfilling the intended goal – the perfection of the saints. Since God has given this auxiliary to his Church, his success depends on the dedication and inspiration of those responsible for it. The challenge for all CPMA leaders is to become a true inspiration with an anointed plan to fulfill God’s divine purpose.

The Church of God must press toward perfection. An old motto to consider is, “Being ready for the Lord’s return is all the work done. If every CPMA leader is clear and enthusiastic about this ministry, the people will be the same. of the Church and the people will begin to understand from Scripture that “…without a vision the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18).

Our Markers Around the World

Church Foundation Memorial Marker in Mount Hittin, Israel

Located in the Holy Land near the sea of Galilee, it commemorates the place where Jesus ordained the Apostles and organized His Church.

Golgotha Marker in Jerusalem, Israel

Situated in the Garden Tomb, this marker points to the place of the Crucifixion and reminds people of the sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation.

Resurrection Marker in Jerusalem, Israel

Placed in the Garden Tomb, it marks the place where Jesus resurrected from the dead and completed the victory over sin and death.

The Call for the Solemn Assembly in Cleveland, TN

The Southside church was the place where the Holy Ghost called for the Solemn Assembly through a message and interpretation on April 25, 1993.

One Central Seat of Government in Cleveland, TN

General Headquarters contains the offices from which the Church is directed throughout the world as the early church was directed from Jerusalem.

The All Nations Flag Global

The Banner of Truth flies signifies the standard, or doctrine, of the Word of God. It’s colors and symbols represent Jesus Christ.