For each of God’s helpers he has provided a specific ministry to help accomplish the job. For the Victory Leaders Band, the goal is:

  1. Evangelize the youth
  2. Establish youth through Bible study and prayer
  3. Inspire Youth to Raise Funds for Gospel Printing
  4. Form young people to serve the Church and attend God’s program
  5. Training young people for Christian service
  6. Being a channel through which the local church is able to reach new people
History of the Victory Leaders Band

It is essential that young people receive a formation that allows them to be at the service of God and his Church. God has provided the victory leadership group as that channel through which young people can be equipped for service. Aware of this need, the Questions and Issues Committee of 1928 made the following proposal:

“We believe that our young people can be much happier in the service of the Lord, of much more value to the work of the Church, and of themselves rooted and grounded in the Church, if they organize themselves in a band for prayer, for study the Bible, for Christian service.”

The Questions and Subjects Committee of the 47th Annual Meeting in 1952 made the following recommendation:

“We recommend that members of the Victory leaders group be limited to all persons from twelve to thirty-five years of age.”