Straying Sheep Restored

It is very important that sheep should not be allowed to stray away from the flock, because by themselves they are utterly helpless. In such a condition; they have no sense at all of locality; if they do stray away, they must be brought back.

Being responsible for anything that happens to one of his flock, the eastern shepherd will spend hours if necessary, in traversing the wilderness or mountain side, in search of a sheep that has strayed away and is lost. After weary hours of hunting for it, it will usually be found in some hollow in the wilderness or in some desolate ravine. The exhausted creature will be borne home on the shoulders of the sturdy shepherd.

The shepherd left the 99 sheep to go and search for just one. He knew the 99 would be safe in the sheepfold (the Church), whereas the lost sheep was in danger. Because each sheep was of importance, the shepherd knew it was worthwhile to search diligently for the lost one. God’s love for each individual is so great that He seeks each one out and rejoices when he is found.

—The Shepherd and the Sheep

Sheep Tracks

One evening, in 1861, as General Garibaldi was going home, he met a Sardinian shepherd lamenting the loss of a lamb out of his flock. Garibaldi at once turned to his staff and announced his intention of scouring the mountain in search of the lamb. A grand expedition was organized. Lanterns were brought, and old officers of many a campaign started off, full of zeal, to hunt the fugitive. But no lamb was found, and the soldiers were ordered to their beds. The next morning Garibaldi’s attendant found him in bed, fast asleep. He was surprised at this, for the General was always up before anybody else. The attendant went off softly and returned in half-an hour. Garibaldi still slept. After another delay, the attendant awoke him. The General rubbed his eyes, and so did his attendant when he saw the old warrior take from under the covering the lost lamb and bid him convey it to the shepherd. The General had kept up the search through the night until he had found it. Even so doth the Good Shepherd go in search of His lost sheep until He finds them.

—The Preacher’s Monthly

I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost

By Cindi Sessions, NC State ABM Coordinator

“Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them. And he spake this parable unto them, saying. What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth no leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:1-7).

In Sister Perkin’s September/October ABM boost she wrote that the shepherd “eagerly” searches for the sheep that has gone astray and brings him back to the fold. Notice that Jesus says that when the shepherd found the lost sheep he rejoiced. The joy he felt over finding the lost sheep was something he wanted to share with his friends and neighbors. Our responsibility, not only as appointed band leaders, but collectively as Church members is to guard the sheep and keep them safe from the devil. He has stolen far too many from us.

The word “search” means: To try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly. To hunt, look, explore, to be in pursuit of. That means to take action!! It is NOT a passive word! If the devil spends so much time and energy pursuing the sheep, shouldn’t we be more diligent in protecting and keeping them? He is on the job non-stop. Are we?

So, how do we reach those who have strayed? Those who once believed and practiced truth? I’m not so naïve’ to think that we can reach them without the Spirit of God drawing them, but I AM convinced, persuaded, that WE MUST do more than just request prayer every service. There has to be some action with our prayers. We must, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, infiltrate the lives of our backsliders with subtle reminders of the goodness of God. Remind them of the peace that God can give in this world of turmoil.

One of the members of my local church texts her son every night before she goes to bed. She sends him a verse of Scripture and reminds him of God’s mercy and goodness. She doesn’t always get a response. One night after several minutes, he replied back, “I know mama, I know.” We must do all we can find to do to keep the Lord before our backsliders and even our members who may be struggling to hold on. Texts, cards, invitations to dinners, revivals, whatever is going on in our church. The devil pulled out all the stops to entice them to turn away from the Lord. Shouldn’t we be putting forth the same effort and more to win them back? Jude states in verses 22 and 23, “And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” God help us! Give us wisdom. Not only to restore our backsliders, but to protect and keep the sheep in our folds