Church of God Material

“It rather appears to me that Jesus was willing for the others to go away because He knew they were not true Church of God material. And, to tell the truth, I say it kindly, I would rather all who may be in our ranks today who are not Church of God material and are not going to be, would go away, because they will be trouble-makers in the future if they remain. I am sick and tired of false spirits who honey around us and seem so nice and submissive, and all the time watching for an opportunity to knife us in the back. I am for the Church of God, and for this grand institution only, and I want men and women for my associates and fellow soldiers that are of the same material upon whom I can depend every day alike and from year to year. I am for the building up of the Church of God and for the building up of that sacred organization only. And I want men and women of the same stripe. God forbid that I should spend any of my sacred moments in lending my assistance and strength in building up anything else, and thus make them stronger to oppose the very institution that is so sacred to us. Real. true, tested and tried Church of God material is in demand now for the last days program and conflict to fulfill prophecy, and to be glorified together and presented to our Lord soon.”

(Minutes, 22nd Assembly, 1927, p. 26, Bishop A. J. Tomlinson).

Let us all be sold out and true blue for Christ and His Church!