Holy Ghost

By James R. Horne, General CPMA Coordinator

It was 115 years ago, on January 12, 1908, that A. J. Tomlinson received the baptism of the Holy Ghost that he had so earnestly sought. His testimony of receiving this gift has been recorded in our history and tells us of a vision he experienced in which he traveled the world preaching. This outpouring was life-changing for him and anointed his ministry to a new degree of fervency and power.

As I was working in my office, recently, I sat back for a few moments and started looking around at Church memorabilia and historical items displayed throughout the room. My eyes fell on a little songbook entitled, The Whirlwind Evangelist Songs in Action – 30 of The Church of God Songs Filled with Fire. I thought of the strong moves of the Holy Ghost that I have felt in my own life. These moves were not made up or put on; but were genuine, powerful, and life-changing. As I looked at that little booklet and other pictures, I considered that our young people may not fully know the importance and power of the Holy Ghost in our day. I thought that some, rather than longing for more of God and rejoicing in the Holy Ghost, may look at His moving with some disdain and embarrassment—not willing to give over or be exercised to do such things. Rather than seeking after the gift and wanting to be full of the Holy Ghost, some may seem satisfied to be without Him. I’ve heard of some who are very critical of these moves in services, thinking them silly, and even some have joked about how “so-and-so” looked when they did this or that. I have heard of it being said in other churches that they, “don’t do that Holy Ghost stuff anymore.” Some have even declared that they are not Pentecostal but “semi-costal.” Although The Church of God is not a Pentecostal church, but rather God’s divine institution, we cannot lose the power of the Holy Ghost working in our midst. We cannot become too sophisticated or feel that we are above the moving of the Holy Ghost, lest we be found dead spiritually and wondering why our services lack the power and conviction we used to have.

We also cannot cheapen the Holy Ghost by trying to stir up services with manifestations in the flesh. Some may be “all about” demonstrations but lack the depth and abiding power the Holy Ghost truly brings. Perhaps these wildfire type efforts contribute to the disdain referred to, or when one sees unfaithfulness and a lack of holiness or real dedication from the ones who are most apt to display these things, it turns them away from it. The true power of the Holy Ghost is not something we can turn on and off. Even speaking in tongues is not something we do of ourselves, but as the Spirit moves upon us. He will anoint and bless the preaching of the Word of God and never contradict it. His moves will not bring confusion (which indicts the many spirits and “moves” out there in the religious world that are clearly not ordained of God). The Holy Ghost cannot be replaced by man’s intellect, technology, or social media ministries that lack power, personal touch, and experience.

Our forefathers were greatly persecuted for their belief in the Holy Ghost and fire. It was something they were willing to fight for and avidly seek after. A person who is saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost should not be up and down spiritually, but solid and moving toward perfection. It only takes a few moments of looking at our history to see how important the Holy Ghost was and is to the work of The Church of God. Lord, help us to get back to the old-time power of the Holy Ghost working in our midst, “Filled with Fire!” as that little booklet mentioned.

God is still the same and He has not, nor will He ever change. If we can get our people hungry for His genuine moves and if our young people can get truly sanctified and Holy Ghost-filled, they will not be easily swayed. When everyone can get a divine revelation of the Church, they will be zealous and genuinely stirred about this great last day’s work! May it light a fire like Samson’s foxes in our day and stir a hunger in others for that old-timey spirit of the Church! It will if we’re “Following the Star.” The Bible says: “…The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up”
(John 2:17).